OTTAWA, ON– The Conservative Party of Canada is thrilled to announce David Brazil as the common sense Conservative candidate for St. John’s East, NL. David is a dedicated public servant and community leader in Newfoundland and Labrador, with a career spanning over 25 years in senior management roles within the provincial government. He is a former MHA, Cabinet Minister, and Leader of the Official Opposition.

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Conservative Party of Canada announces candidate for St. John’s East

OTTAWA, ON– The Conservative Party of Canada is thrilled to announce David Brazil as the common sense Conservative candidate for St. John’s East, NL. David is a dedicated public servant and community leader in Newfoundland and Labrador, with a career spanning over 25 years in senior management roles within the provincial government. He is a former MHA, Cabinet Minister, and Leader of the Official Opposition.

“It’s time to restore common sense back to the federal government and make this country work for the people who do the hard work. We need to turn things around and put the Canadian people back in charge instead of Ottawa-knows-best politicians,” said Brazil.After 9 years of Justin Trudeau, hardworking Canadians are struggling just to afford fuel, food, and shelter. Crime is ravaging our streets. Only a Common Sense Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre will axe the tax build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime. We know David will be a tremendous advocate for the hardworking people of St. John’s East and a valuable asset to the team.

Trudeau a une semaine pour se conformer au vote et remettre à la GRC les documents relatifs à la caisse noire du Fonds vert

Trudeau a une semaine pour se conformer au vote et remettre à la GRC les documents relatifs à la caisse noire du Fonds vert

Ottawa (Ontario) — Après neuf ans, Justin Trudeau n’en vaut pas la corruption. Cela n’a jamais été aussi clair après que le gouvernement libéral a refusé de déposer des documents au Parlement pour que la GRC puisse enquêter sur la corruption de sa caisse noire du Fonds vert, alors même qu’une majorité des députés à la Chambre des communes a voté pour obliger les libéraux à les rendre publics.

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Trudeau Has One Week To Comply With Vote And Give Green Slush Fund Documents To RCMP

Trudeau Has One Week To Comply With Vote And Give Green Slush Fund Documents To RCMP

Ottawa, ON – After nine years, Justin Trudeau is not worth the corruption. This has never been clearer after the Liberal Government refused to table documents in Parliament so the RCMP can investigate the corruption at his Green Slush Fund, even though a majority of MPs in the House of Commons voted to compel the Liberals to release them.

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