ArriveScam Contractors Became Multimillionaires Under Trudeau Government

Ottawa, ON – Over the last two days, the Government Operations Committee heard testimony from GC Strategies in response to the Auditor General’s findings. GC Strategies did everything they could to avoid testifying on their role in Trudeau’s $60 million ArriveScam app and agreed to appear only after they were threatened with being arrested. 

GC Strategies partners, Kristian Firth and Darren Anthony, took an oath before Committee swearing to tell nothing but the truth during their testimony. Despite this oath and multiple claims that the Auditor General’s report was false, one of the GC Strategies partners claimed that he had never actually read the report. Throughout the testimony, GC Strategies refused to provide basic information, such as the names of government officials and contacts used to secure lucrative contracts, citing the ongoing RCMP investigation. 

The witness admitted that “GC” stands for Government of Canada Strategies, as the Trudeau Government, and ultimately the Canadian taxpayer, are the largest financial contributors to this firm. GC Strategies and its partners have become multimillionaires under the Trudeau government and admitted today that they are paid up to $2,600 per hour for “recruiting” and doing no actual IT work, and can bill the government up to 1,500 times per month. GC Strategies was formed as a company in 2015 and began receiving government contracts just weeks after Trudeau took office. 

Common Sense Conservatives will continue to fight to get to the bottom of how Justin Trudeau gave millions of dollars to this shady two-person IT firm that did no actual IT work. 

La taxe carbone de Trudeau ajoutera 4 milliards de dollars à tout ce qui est expédié par camion

La taxe carbone de Trudeau ajoutera 4 milliards de dollars à tout ce qui est expédié par camion

Ottawa (Ontario) – Phillip Lawrence, ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Transports, et Jasraj Singh Hallan, ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Finances, ont fait la déclaration suivante au sujet de la taxe carbone inflationniste de Trudeau :

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Trudeau’s Carbon Tax To Add $4 Billion To Everything Shipped By Truck

Trudeau’s Carbon Tax To Add $4 Billion To Everything Shipped By Truck

Ottawa, ON – Phillip Lawrence, Conservative Shadow Minister of Transport, and Jasraj Singh Hallan, Conservative Shadow Minister of Finance, released the following statement on Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax:

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